Saturday 14 May 2016

What Is The Best Water To Drink For Good Health

How To Make The Best Water To Drink

The best water to drink is water that will instantly hydrate you, energize you, and give you life. What do I mean by give you life? Water has life in it but most of the water we drink today is dead. It’s intrinsic qualities are destroyed by the processes it is subjected to in the name of purification, filtration and what have you to bring it to a drinkable state. The water that gives life is living water.

Living water is hard to get even if you have money… if you have money or have other means to get, you can get it but not as readily as you would other types of water. Living water is water that has not been tampered with using modern purification methods. Spring water not subjected to any treatments is living with its intrinsic qualities intact. So is artesian water, water flowing from a fountain, etc.

It should be evident that water described above is as readily available. It does not flow from your tap or faucet. Any ordinary bottled water does not even come close to be perfect for drinking. Filtered water from your filtering system does not produce such water! Unless you have already upgraded it to give you water of such quality.

The good news is from my research I found few products that will give you water as close to how nature intended it. In most cases you will need more than one to get the best water to drink and use. Further remember that the source of the water matters and plays an important role in how and what you choose to filter and upgrade your water.

Here is a brief of what I discovered

There is what we call structured water and structured water is my number one recommendation you can produce in your own house using structured water units.

Depending on the source of the water you might need to enrich it with minerals, trace elements, oxygen and aerobic micro-organisms using fulvic acid supplement like Shilajit or blk water.

You might also want to energize the water with a scalar energy energizer like bio disc.

Doing all or some of the above will almost give you the best water to drink with optimal health benefits. Better that what you will get from most bottled water. And definitely much better than your current un-upgraded filtration system.

I will not keep you in suspense, I will share you the recipe to the best water to drink right from your house. Here it is, a condensed version first;

Steps To Perfect Drinking Water

Almost everyone now gets water from the tap, where that water comes from is another topic. The bottom line is it comes to your house through pipes and you turn on the faucet to collect it and use it however you want.
Basically fetch it, clean it, ionize it to alkalize and restructure, give it life and energize it then it is safe to drink with tremendous health benefits.

There are different systems on the market today to treat your water to bring it to a drinkable state healthy to your body. These systems include but not limited to filtration systems, alkaline water ionizer units, hexagonal water machines, vortex water systems, oxygenating units, water structuring machines, water re-energizing scalar energy machines, water supplements like fulvic acid, etc.

So let’s start with the tap! Here are the steps, a perfect combination to get the best out of your water!

Step 0: Source Water

For most households the water they use is tap water. This is the source of your water into the house. Fetch!
Step 1: Filtration
Tap water should be filtered in one way or the other using the available methods. This maybe carbon filtration, reverse osmosis or water purification process. Some people even have a whole house filtration system. So you see you can keep and continue using your filtration system. (I have reservations about reverse osmosis systems but that is for a different discussion!)

Bottom line is, the tap water or well water must be filtered!

Step 2: Structuring Water
Here you have a choice to choose either. There is no need to do both and I don’t recommend it either lest you compromise other qualities. You can restructure the water or use an alkaline ionizer machine.

a. Use Of Structuring Unit - e.g. Structured Water unit, Vortex Water Machine, Hexagonal Water Machine. A water structuring unit reverses the damage done to water almost completely to restore it to its natural state as nature intended it, except for its composition in terms of minerals, oxygen, micro-organisms, etc.

Though the alkaline ionizer machine breaks the water into micro-clusters, the hexagonal water machine will ensure the micro-clusters maintain a hexagonal shape. There are a lot of benefits to hexagonal structured water as discussed here!

b. Ionizer Machine – An ionizer machine on the other hand affects water is a different way but at the same improving the quality of the filtered water. After filtration the water may be ionized using an electrolysis ionizing machine (or a scalar energy unit, let’s save scalar energy for later!). This process changes both the physical and chemical properties of water to make it ideal for drinking.

There are several ionizers that perform the ionizing process perfectly, high-end ones even perform the filtration process. These are called alkaline water ionizer machines!

At this stage the water is ready to drink and it is already full of health benefits you have never imagined. This is where it is made alkaline (without adding any alkalizing agent), an oxidant, wetter, etc. All the good properties and characteristics of water you can think about.

Step 3 – Water Oxygenation:
Water oxygenation is another step that is necessary to take, well depending on the choice you made at Step 2 and your source of water. If your source e.g. the municipal dam, has water that has undergone a lot of purification processes to the extent that oxygen escaped from, water oxygenation will be necessary.

If your source is OK and you chose to use a structured water unit you might not need to oxygenate your water. There are water oxygenation machines or devices that are meant to achieve this. Visit for reviews.

Step 4: Fulvic Acids Supplement
More often than not you will need fulvic acid supplements to enrich your drinking water to give it the trace elements and other essential components that might have been lost during the filtration process and/or before the tap at the municipal cleaning stage. Benefits of fulvic acids are worth their own section for discussion. There are several fulvic acids supplements available on the market today like Blk Water, BlackMP Living Water and Shilajit just to name a few.

Step 5: Scalar Energizer
To seal the whole deal to the already best water to drink, energize it using scalar energy devices for some amazing results. If you have heard of scalar energy before you would understand how profound this step is. This step among other things adds live to the water – it re-energizes it, reconstructs it, repairing all the damage that occurred before the tap water stage.

Yes, some filtration processes also cause some damage. Scalar energy water is close to as perfect as to how nature intended it. However, structured water on Step 2a may not need this step though it is encouraged. You are free to test with or without use of scalar energy devices. This is because structured water will have most of its inherent characteristics restored, live energy being one of them!

There are several devices on the market today to instill or impart scalar energy into your water. They include but not limited to BioDiscs, Pendants, etc. There are also natural occurring energized waters like Nariwa water.

To appreciate where the above recipe of the best water to drink is coming from perhaps is best to dissect each step to fully understand the purpose and contribution of each. There is an in depth discussion of the above steps at my website at

There I have categorized different types of water – I discuss filtered water, alkaline ionized water, structured water, hexagonal water, oxygenated water, scalarized water, black water or fulvic acids enriched water and more.


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